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HomeMust ReadWhat The Bible Is All About Kjv Bible Handbook

What The Bible Is All About Kjv Bible Handbook

Exodus 1: The Passover

KJV, The King James Study Bible, Full Color Edition

Exodus 12 gives us the thrilling story of the Passover, the clearest Old Testament picture of our individual salvation through faith in the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this chapter is the basis for calling Christ the Lamb of God, Christ our Passover, and the many tender references to His crucifixion as the death of our own Passover Lamb: For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us .

As the Passover chapter is the heart of the book, so is the whole book a pattern of our salvation. Perhaps the children of Israel did not know the significance of this feast the night before they left Egypt, but they believed God and obeyed.

God had sent nine plagues on Egypt in order to make Pharaoh willing to let His people go. Almost a year had passed, and with each plague there was a hardening of Pharaohs heart. Finally God said that the firstborn in all Egypt should die. This tenth plague would have fallen on the Israelites, too, had they not killed the paschal lamb and been protected by its blood of redemption .

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Leviticus : 1: : Sacrifice And Separation

One of the most important questions in life is, How may an unholy people approach a holy God?

At the very beginning of Leviticus, we see God making provision for His people to approach Him in worship. This book shows redeemed Israel that the way to God is by sacrifice and that the walk with God is with separation .

Isnt it strange that deep down in every heart there is a sense of guilt and the feeling of a need to do something to secure pardon or gain the favor of the one wronged? Pagans bring their sacrifices to the altar of their gods, for they realize that they cannot do anything about their sins themselves. They must make atonement for them. Some of the mothers in India used to throw their babies into the river Ganges to appease their gods.

Pagans cannot see beyond their sacrifices. When we look at the sacrifices in this book, we find that they are only types, or symbolic representations, that point to the perfect sacrifice for our sins that was to be made on Calvary.

All the sacrifices in this book point to the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world .

Sin may be forgiven, but it must receive its penalty. The wages of sin is death . Sin keeps us from drawing near to God. He is of purer eyes than to behold evil .

There can be no fellowship between God and the sinner until sin has been dealt with the only way is sacrifice: Without shedding of blood is no remission .

1. Burnt offering of Christ for the world

2. Grain offering of Christ in life

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What The Bible Is All About Handbook

Bible Handbook

What the Bible Is All About is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to read and understand Gods Word. Inside this revised and updated edition of Henrietta Mears classic, youll find an overview of every book in the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In addition, What the Bible Is All About will:

  • Provide a complete guide to the Scriptures
  • Explain how Jesus is revealed in the Old and New Testaments
  • Show why the Bible is one book, one history, one story
  • Introduce key people in biblical history
  • Give historical background for every major event
  • Highlight recurring biblical themes
  • Provide helpful reading plans, maps, and charts, and other study helps

Discover for yourself why What the Bible Is All About is one of the worlds bestselling Bible handbooks, with more than 4 million in print. This userfriendly guide makes it easier than ever to plant the Word in your heart and mind!

Exodus 202: The Giving Of The Law


In Exodus 2024 we see the Law given, broken and restored. Up till this time in Israels history, all has been grace and mercy. God had heard the cry of their bondage and answered them. God selected a leader and trained him. God defeated their enemies. God fed them, yet they rebelled. Now a new order of things is brought about at Sinai.

The Law demands nothing short of perfection. The psalmist says, The law of the LORD is perfect . Only one man since it was given has been able to keep it perfectly. Christ not only kept the Law, but He also paid the complete penalty for the broken Law. Christ suffered that we might be spared .

If we could not keep the Law, why was it given? That we might know our exceeding sinfulness. The Law is Gods mirror to show us our exceeding sinfulness. Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good . The Law did not make us sin, but it showed us that we are sinners. The physician comes and looks at a child, and the symptoms reveal that she has measles. He gives her some medicine that appears to make her break out. The doctor did not make the child have measles, but he proved that measles was there. Read Galatians 4:4-5 Romans 8:1-4 3:19-28.

Two mountain peaks stand in contrast to each other in Gods Word:

1. Mount SinaiWith all of its horror thundered forth the Law .

2. CalvaryPlaced opposite Sinai by God, Calvary took away all the fire and thunder and made possible a meeting place between God and the sinner.

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Genesis 3: Descent Into Egypt

Isaac and Rebecca made the mistake of playing favorites with their two sons. Isaac favored the hunter, Esau. Rebecca favored the quiet one, Jacob. Jacob did the same thing in the treatment of his son Joseph, which aroused jealousy in the other sons. Joseph is one of the outstanding noble characters of the Old Testament. It was through Joseph that Jacobs family was transplanted to Egypt. Josephs life is one of the most perfect illustrations in the Bible of Gods overruling providence. He was sold as a slave at 17 at 30 he became ruler in Egypt 10 years later his father, Jacob, entered Egypt.

After Isaacs death and after Joseph had been sold into Egypt, Jacob and his sons and their children, numbering 70 in all, went down into that land because of a famine. There, the pharaoh who was reigning at that time exalted them. When he learned that they were shepherds, he permitted them to settle in the land of Goshen, where they grew in number, wealth and influence.

God knew that it was necessary for the Israelites to leave Canaan until they had developed national strength, so they could take possession of the land of Canaan. God wanted to safeguard them against mingling and intermarrying with the idolatrous peoples then in the land.

Read Genesis 49 to learn what Jacobs dying words were to his 12 sons. We see here again the promise to Judah of a descendant who is to be the coming ruler. Remember, Christ is called the Lion of the tribe of Judah .

Genesis 1: The Call Of Abraham

In spite of the wickedness of the human heart, God wanted to show His grace. He wanted a Chosen People:

to whom He might entrust the Holy Scriptures

to be His witness to the other nations

through whom the promised Messiah would come

He called a man named Abram to leave his home in idolatrous Ur to go to an unknown land where God would make him the father of a mighty nation . This begins the history of Gods Chosen People, Israel.

Wherever Abraham went, he erected an altar to God. God honored him by revealing Himself to him. And he was called the Friend of God . God made a covenant with him that he should be the father of a great nation and that through him the nations of the earth would be blessed . His family became Gods special charge. God dealt with them as with no other people. The Jews are always spoken of as Gods Chosen People.

Through Isaac, Abrahams son, the promises of God were passed down to Jacob, who, despite his many faults, valued Gods covenant blessing. He was enthusiastic about Gods plan of founding a nation by which the whole world would be blessed. Jacob in his wanderings suffered for his sin and through chastening came out a great man. His name was changed to Israel, a prince with God . This is the name by which Gods Chosen People were calledIsraelites. And his 12 sons became the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel. Read Genesis 49.

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The Period Of The Patriarchs

The period of the patriarchs is the groundwork and basis of all history. It covers the time from Adam to Moses. In consequence of the failures on the part of people during this early period, God called out an individual. He put aside the nations and called a man, Abraham, who was to become the father of the Hebrew nation. We enter into this period in Genesis 12.

There are five patriarchal fathers: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph and Job.

God called Abraham and with him made a covenant, known as the Abrahamic Covenant. Become familiar with this covenant . If you are not, the whole study of the Chosen People will have little meaning. God repeated that covenant to Abrahams son Isaac and again to his grandson Jacob . He repeated it to no one else.

These three, therefore, are the covenant fathers, and that is why you read in Scripture, I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob . He never adds anyone else. God gave His covenant to these three and it is for them to communicate it to others. What is the covenant? Read Genesis 12:1-3, 26:1-5 and 28:13-15.

Key Events Of The Books Of Law

Book Minute: King James Version of the Bible

Books of Law: There Is One and Only One True God

The five books of the Law are also called the Pentateuch, which means five scrolls. The core of this ancient literature was written by Moses . These books describe the creation of the world, Gods call to the Hebrews to be His special people, their captivity and release from Egypt, the law that guided them on their way to the Promised Land and how God blessed the people when they obeyed and disciplined them when they disobeyed.

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What The Bible Is All About Kjvbible Handbook

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What The Bible Is All About Kjv: Bible Handbook Revised And Updated

Details What the Bible Is All AboutWhat the Bible Is All About

  • Provide a complete guide to the Scriptures
  • Explain how Jesus is revealed in the Old and New Testaments
  • Show why the Bible is one book, one history, one story
  • Introduce key people in biblical history
  • Give historical background for every major event
  • Highlight recurring biblical themes
  • Provide helpful reading plans, maps, and charts, and other study helps

What the Bible Is All About

Recommended Reading: Fear Not Bible Verses

The Order Of The Passover

Every person should study the divine order of the Passover as it is given in Exodus 12:

First, Take to them every man a lamb. It was not the spotlessness of the living lamb that saved them . It was not Christs sinless life that saves us, but His death on the cross.

Second, Strike the lintel and the two side posts with the blood that is in the bason. It is not enough for the lamb to be slain. The blood was sufficient but not efficient unless applied. Every Israelite head of family had to apply it to his own household notice that it was to go over the doorway, not under. What have you done with the blood, the blood of our Passover Lamb who died on Mount Calvary?

The hyssopa common weed but obtainable by everyoneis typical of faith. The blood on the lintel is that which savednot what they thought about it, but what they did with it counted: When I see the blood, I will pass over you .

Not blood in the basin but blood applied that saves a soul. Not all the blood shed on Calvarys cross can save a soul from death unless it is applied then, When I see the blood, I will pass over you.

Not feelings, not personal worthiness, but one thing saved them: blood

Third, Wherein they shall eat . After the blood was shed and applied to the doorframe, the Israelites were instructed to eat. So it is with us: salvation first, then feedingfellowship, worship, walk and service.

Leaven of unrighteousness must be removed from our lives if we are to eat with God.

Preparation And Early Editions

The Lion Handbook to the Bible (5th Edition) by Pat Alexander

Given the perceived need for a new authorized translation, James was quick to appreciate the broader value of the proposal and at once made the project his own. By June 30, 1604, James had approved a list of 54 revisers, although extant records show that 47 scholars actually participated. They were organized into six companies, two each working separately at Westminster, Oxford, and Cambridge on sections of the Bible assigned to them. Richard Bancroft , archbishop of Canterbury, served as overseer and established doctrinal conventions for the translators. The new Bible was published in 1611.

Two editions were printed in 1611, later distinguished as the He and She Bibles because of the variant readings he and she in the final clause of Ruth 3:15 . Some errors in subsequent editions have become famous. Perhaps the most notorious example is the so-called Wicked Bible , whose byname derives from the omission of not in the injunction against adultery in the Ten Commandments . The printers were fined £300 for the error.

Read Also: 365 Fear Not Bible Verses List

What The Bible Is All About Kjv: Bible Handbook

0 ReviewsWhat the Bible Is All AboutWhat the Bible Is All About

  • Provide a complete guide to the Scriptures
  • Explain how Jesus is revealed in the Old and New Testaments
  • Show why the Bible is one book, one history, one story
  • Introduce key people in biblical history
  • Give historical background for every major event
  • Highlight recurring biblical themes
  • Provide helpful reading plans, maps, and charts, and other study helps

What the Bible Is All About

Exodus 2: The Building Of The Tabernacle

Exodus 2540 gives us one of the richest veins in inspirations exhaustless mines. We must use our imagination and reason as we enter the holy precincts and gaze upon the significant furniture. God told Moses He wished a sanctuary, or holy dwelling place, that should point to Christ and tell of His person and work.

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The Author Of Genesis

The age-long Hebrew and Christian position is that Moses, guided by the Spirit of God, wrote Genesis. The book closes approximately 300 years before Moses was born, so Moses could have received his information only by direct revelation from God or from historical records to which he had access that had been handed down from his forefathers. Read Luke 24:27 and John 7:19 to learn what Jesus said about Moses.

Every year proof is being dug up in Egypt and Israel that writing existed in Moses day and that what is recorded in the Pentateuch is historically accurate. Moses was educated in the palace of Pharaoh and was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians , which included the literary profession and Moses did know how to write and in fact encouraged it in others .

Reputation Since The Early 20th Century

Why Many Christians Prefer The King James Bible

In the early 20th century the King James Version fell into disfavour among many mainstream Protestant churches, which viewed it as antiquated. Beginning in the middle of the century, they increasingly turned to more-modern translations, such as the Revised Standard Version , the New International Version , and the New Revised Standard Version . The King James Version, however, remained a popular source for the more famous Psalms and for the Gospels.

English-speaking Roman Catholics used an authorized English Bible, the Douai-Reims , which was produced from the Latin Vulgate by English Catholic exiles in France, who also worked from many of the same English sources used by translators of the King James Version. Yet among English Catholics the King James Version was widely accepted from the 18th century moreover, when the Douai-Reims Bible was updated in the mid-18th century, the translator, Richard Challoner , a convert from Protestantism to Catholicism, largely worked from the King James Version. Both the King James Version and the Douai-Reims Bible were finally supplanted in popularity by the Jerusalem Bible .

The King James Version is still the favoured biblical translation of many Christian fundamentalists and some Christian new religious movements. It is also widely regarded as one of the major literary accomplishments of early modern England. A complete New King James Version with modernized spellings was published in 1982.

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