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What Spiritual Gifts Are Listed In The Bible

Romans Lists Four More Spiritual Gifts

Bible Study: Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts – Part 3

In Pauls letter to the church in Rome, he talks about God giving us different abilities, that is, spiritual gifts . God does this by his grace, granting us what we dont deserve. Again we see some repetition with prophecy, faith, serving , and teaching.

In addition, Paul lists another fourspiritual gifts:

14. Exhortation/Encouragement: encourage people through words of comfort, inspiration, andreassurance.

15. Giving: generouslyprovide money and resources for ministry.

16. Leadership: castvision, motivate, and build teams to advance Gods kingdom.

17. Mercy: providecompassion to the poor and hurting.

Why Should We Discover Our Spiritual Gifts

  • Spiritual Gifts assist in finding Gods will for our life.
  • It is in some sense, our spiritual job description.
  • It helps Christians to commit themselves to Christ in effective use of Spiritual gifts within the church, than some abstract commitment.
  • The spiritual gifts are given to every Christ-follower, thus it helps overcome feeling of inadequacy or inferiority.

Leverage Your Grace Anointing And Spiritual Gifts To Impact The Kingdom

Spiritual Gifts are a grace and anointing that is given to each person through the Holy Spirit. They are designed like an ability to be a point of leverage for each believer. Their purpose is for building and encouraging people. You use your gift to impact the life of another person. They are ONLY experienced at the highest level when shared.

A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other 1 Corinthians 12:7

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another 1 Peter 4:10

25 spiritual gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Scripture

Most Christians are familiar with the nine gifts of the Spirit that Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 12:4-10. But did you know there are many more? Though the exact number is debatable, here are at least 25 spiritual gifts the Holy Spirit gave to the early churchand continues to give today.

  • Word of wisdom
  • Word of knowledge
  • Faith
  • Gifts of healing
  • Working of miracles
  • Prophecy
  • Discerning of spirits
  • Tongues
  • Interpretation of tongues
  • Helping
  • Administration
  • Ministry/service
  • Teaching
  • Encouragement
  • Giving
  • Leadership
  • Mercy
  • Apostleship
  • Evangelism
  • Pastoral guidance
  • Grace
  • Willingness to face;martyrdom
  • Intercession
  • The Bible talks about spiritual gifts in several passages. These passages describe:

    The Gifts of the Son

    The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

    • Interpretation of tongues

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    What Does Earnestly Desiring Spiritual Gifts Look Like

    Earnestly desiring the spiritual gifts looks like desiring them.

    For the most part, the Bible is not a how-to manual. It holds out treasure to us and bids us to seek it out . Desire is the test, for desire fuels the quest. That is a key to understanding much in the Bible.

    What do you do when you really want something? You dont wait around for someone to deliver it nicely packaged, fully assembled, and ready-to-use. You go looking for it. You start asking questions of knowledgeable people. You read and watch and listen to a lot of information. You ask, seek, and knock . If you really, really want it, you consider it worth the hard work of figuring things out and working till you get it.

    Thats what earnestly desiring spiritual gifts looks like. But here are a few things for starters:

    Begin with the Bible. Soak in 1 Corinthians 1214, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. Read the book of Acts over and over until it ruins you for your worldly comfort and pursuits and fuels your desire to experience the reality of the kingdom you read there.

    Pray. If youre ruined for anything less than knowing the fullness of the Spirit and seeing the kingdom of God advance, your discontent and desperation will drive you to pray the kind of prayers the Lord loves to answer.

    Identifying And Defining Spiritual Gifts


    1 Corinthians 12 states that spiritual gifts are given to God’s people by the Holy Spirit for “the common good.” Verse 11 says the gifts are given according to God’s sovereign will, “as he determines.”;Ephesians 4:12 tells us these gifts are given to prepare God’s people for service and for building up the body of Christ.

    The term “spiritual gifts” comes from the Greek words charismata and pneumatika . They are the plural forms of charisma, meaning “expression of grace,” and pneumatikon meaning “expression of Spirit.”

    While there are different kinds of gifts , generally speaking, spiritual gifts are God-given graces meant for works of service, to benefit and build up the body of Christ as a whole.

    Although a great deal of disagreement exists between denominations, most Bible scholars classify the spiritual gifts into three categories: ministry gifts, manifestation gifts, and motivational gifts.

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    Spiritual Gifts Come From God

    The Spirit of God gives special abilities to us . Just like salvation and grace, we do not earn this gift. Its just that a gift.

    We must be careful to remember that these special abilities are not for our manipulation or benefit; spiritual gifts are from God and for Gods purposes. We cannot take credit for anything the Spirit of God does through us while operating in our gift.

    Does The Bible Have A Spiritual Gifts List

    1 Corinthians 12:4-11, 28Wisdom or Word of WisdomKnowledge or Word of KnowledgeFaithHealingSpecial powers/MiraclesProphecyDiscernmentTongues/LanguagesInterpretation of Tongues/LanguagesHelpsAdministrationRomans 12:6-8ProphecyServingTeachingEncouragementGivingLeadershipMercy1 Peter 4:10-11SpeakingServingRelated Truth:

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    Bible Verses About Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

    To another faith by the same spirit, and to another gifts of healing by the one spirit, and to another the effecting of miracles, and to another prophecy, and to another the distinguishing of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, and to another the interpretation of tongues. therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy. 2.

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    Summary Question 7 What Are The Various Spiritual Gifts That The Bible Lists

    Top 10 Spiritual Gifts NOT Mentioned in the Bible

    The Bible lists the gifts of the Spirit in a number of different places in Scripture. They are basically found in the writing of the Apostle Paul with one, or perhaps two references in the writings of Peter. We can note a number of things about the gifts listed.

    First, no list is complete. There is thus no attempt by any New Testament writer to list all of the gifts in one place.

    In addition, we find that no gift is mentioned in every list. This further indicates that there is no desire to list all of the gifts.

    Furthermore, no two lists of spiritual gifts are alike. Each one is different. We also find that some of the gifts are mentioned more than once. One gift, prophecy, is mentioned four times.

    When they are listed, the gifts are not necessarily given in order from the greater to the lesser. Thus, we should not always assume that the first gift listed is always the greatest gift.

    We should also note that there may be some overlap between the various gifts. At times the gift is listed and at other times the person who exercises the gift is listed.

    We also find that natural abilities are listed together with supernatural abilities. The Scripture makes no distinction between them.

    Finally, there may be more gifts than these that are listed.

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    Spiritual Gifts List With Bible Verse References

    by Tracie| Jul 29, 2021 | Bible Journaling Study, Bible Journaling Tips, Blog |

    To join us this month in Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts, simply use this article, grab the free calendar and mini-kit provided upon sign up at the bottom of this article, and get started! To join our Bible journaling family and share your thoughts and layouts head over to;

    There are multiple options to do the study. The devotional and kits are designed to help you take a deeper dive into the Word and start applying biblical principles to your life. They are not required, but theyre a fun way to grow in the Word creatively!

    • Join Momentum Momentum members get just about everything for only $25/month. .
    • Purchase the kit by itself -Purchase the devotional and kit for only $7. Youll also get the;How to Study Bible Topics Guide and worksheets. .
    • Free option To get the calendar and free mini-kit, please scroll to the bottom of this article and register for our emails between August 1, 2021, and August 31, 2021. If you are on the email list and havent received it, please check your spam! The emails will begin sending out on the 1st!

    Ask Yourself: What Tasks Or Ministries Do You Gravitate Towards In Your Church And Christian Walk

    Do they seem to complement your natural talents or do they push you outside your normal comfort zone?

    Remember, the same God who designed your natural talents also gave you your Spiritual Gifts. Maybe he orchestrated them to work well together. Or maybe He gave you a Spiritual Gift that is far outside of your natural talent to make it more obvious that its from Him.

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    Have Some Spiritual Gifts Ceased To Exist

    No. Because spiritual gifts were given to build up the church, the body of Christ, as long as the church is under construction, spiritual gifts are needed. A day will come when spiritual gifts will no longer be needed . However, we do not believe that this day has yet come. It will come when perfection comes . Some interpret this perfection to be the completion of the canon of Scripture . However, this is not a good rendering of the Greek text. We believe that this refers to the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. When the church, the bride of Christ is complete and perfect, that is when spiritual gifts will no longer be necessary.

    The 9 Spiritual Gifts Explained

    What Does the Bible Say About Spiritual Gifts

    There seems to be lots of different information about spiritual gifts in the Christian world, so it can be confusing, especially if some of the ideas conflict. Well explore spiritual gifts and their purposes in this article. But before we get started, I highly recommend that you read 1 Corinthians 12:1-11.

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    The Total List Of Spiritual Gifts As Found In The New Testament

    When the various lists of spiritual gifts are put together we come up with the total of twenty-three. They are as follows:

    Apostle, Prophet, Teacher, Miracles, Healing, Evangelist, Pastor, Exhorting, Giving, Ministering, Helping, Ruling, Tongues, Showing mercy, Interpretation of Tongues, Word of wisdom, Marriage, Word of Knowledge Celibacy, Faith, Hospitality, Discerning of spirits, Administration

    Observations about the Spiritual Gifts Listed in the New Testament

    There are a number of observations that can be made about the spiritual gifts listed in the New Testament.

    1. No List of Spiritual Gifts Is Complete

    No passage contains the complete list of spiritual gifts. Thus, there is no attempt to make an exhaustive list in any one place.

    2. No Gift Is Mentioned in Every List

    There is no spiritual gift that is found on all the lists. This is another indication that none of the lists were meant to be complete.

    3. No Two Lists of Spiritual Gifts Are Alike

    As we compare the various references or lists of gifts we find that each one is different there are never two lists that are exactly alike.

    4. Some of the Gifts Are Mentioned More than Once

    Some of the gifts are mentioned three times and one gift, prophet, is in mentioned four times. Other gifts are mentioned only once.

    5. An Examination of the List Shows the Gifts Are of Different Character
    6. They Are Not Necessarily Listed in Order from the Greater to the Lesser
    7. There May Be Some Overlap between the Gifts

    How Many Gifts Are There What Are They

    According to 1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-29; Romans 12:3-8; Ephesians 4:11; and 1 Corinthians 7:7, there are at least 22 spiritual gifts. They are as follows: Apostles; Prophets; Pastor-Teachers; Evangelists; Prophecy; Teaching; Wisdom; Knowledge; Faith; Miraculous Powers; Healing; Distinguishing between Spirits; Speaking in Tongues; Interpretation of Tongues; Helps; Service; Administration; Encouragement; Giving; Leadership; Mercy and Celibacy.

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    What Is The Best Spiritual Gift

    So you should earnestly desire the most helpful gifts. But now let me show you a way of life that is best of all.;

    Gifts are great, but its more important to know how to love. God has given us His love as a gift. We love because He loved us first. Without love all the actions supposed to be gifts are empty.

    Theres a reason the following portion of Scripture is so widely known. Love is the best gift. Love is what matters most.

    Three things will last foreverfaith, hope, and loveand the greatest of these is love.;1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT, emphasis mine)

    Seek to love above all else, and the gifts will find their place because God is love.

    What Is A Spiritual Gift

    Spiritual Gifts

    A spiritual gift is something God has chosen specifically for you while youre here on earth that allows you to serve His kingdom in accordance with His will. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit as He determines. You can ask for a Spiritual gift, and He may or may not give it to you. God provides these gifts in His timing and according to His will.

    In 1 Corinthians 12:4-7 , we read that there are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.

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    How To Identify Your Spiritual Gifts

    Now that you have the spiritual gift list, you may want to know which gifts God has provided to you. Here are a few tips to uncover them:

  • Pray to God and ask Him to reveal them to you.
  • Read about them in the Bible.
  • Explore areas of interest and passion.
  • Explore natural talents that you have.
  • Volunteer to serve.
  • Ask your friends, family, and church leaders what they think.
  • Ask your church for a spiritual gifts test or other resources.
  • Take A Spiritual Gifts Test

    There are quite a few spiritual gift assessments available online, such as:

    Yet, while a spiritual gifts assessment can be a good tool for beginning spiritual gifts discernment, dont forget to use discernment and pay attention to the guidance of the Holy Spirit!

    Taking a spiritual gifts test is only the first step.

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    Questions To Help You Identify Your Spiritual Gifts

    1. As I study how gifts operate in the Bible, do any resonate in my soul?

    2. What do I enjoy doing?

    3. What is the holy spirit telling me?

    4. What ministry in my life is God blessing?

    5. What gifts do others see operating in me?

    As we are engaging in Christian service in obedience, others may see a gift in us long before we ourselves are aware of it. Occasionally, others recognize that we don’t possess a gift we think we have.

    The Gift Of Apostleship

    » What is your Spiritual Gift? Ask God To Show You.

    The spiritual gift of apostleship is sometimes confused with the office of Apostle.; The office of Apostle was held by a limited number of men chosen by Jesus, including the twelve disciples and Paul .; The requirements for the office of Apostle included being a faithful eyewitness of Jesus ministry and His resurrection , and being called by Jesus Himself .; The Apostles were given authority by Jesus to do many different things to establish the church, including writing Scripture and performing miracles .

    There are no more that hold the office of Apostle today, but the gift of apostleship continues in a different sense.; Jesus gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds and teachers at His ascension , and these represent a distinct category of apostles.; They do not have the authority to write Scripture as the original Apostles did.; They also have a different purpose in the sense of establishing the church the foundation has already been set.

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    Is One Spiritual Gift More Important Than Another

    All the gifts are needed in the body of Christ. All the gifts are equally valid. In 1 Corinthians 12:1226, the Apostle Paul instructs the church that no one should despise his/her own gift by comparing it to the gifts of others. And he also says that no one should despise someone elses gift as being less than his/her gift. Some gifts are more apparent than others, but each gift is important.

    What Are The 7 Signs Of The Holy Spirit

    Here are some signs that let you know that the Holy Spirit is in you.

    • Chasing Jesus. When you receive the Holy Spirit, you begin to desire to pursue Christ.
    • You Use Your Spiritual Gifts.
    • You Let Go of Your Fleshly Desires.
    • You Produce Fruit.
    • You Learn to Lean Into The Spirit.
    • You Stir Up The Holy Spirit.

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    Because Spiritual Gifts Are Given To Help Us Love One Another

    Pursuing love and desiring spiritual gifts are not disconnected. These gifts are given to the church to help us love one another. In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul explains that each Christian is a unique member of Christs body and therefore each has a unique function and receives unique gifts that benefits the common good of the body .

    The Spirit doesnt give us gifts in order that each of us gets our self-important moment in the spotlight. He gives us gifts so that for the greater glory of Christ we are able to pursue love through serving one another. This way no one is to think that he is not needed or that he doesnt need anyone else . The more honorable members have no place to boast and the less honorable members have no place for shame .

    Love is the aim of the spiritual gifts. It is possible to possess and exercise impressive spiritual gifts without love. If we do, we are nothing .

    But its also true that if we neglect any particular spiritual gift, if we dont earnestly desire and pursue them, we will neglect some aspect of love and so fail to glorify Christ. Some kind of edification will not happen. We need the Spirits empowerment to strengthen the saints and see unsaved people delivered . . . from the domain of darkness and transferred . . . to the kingdom of beloved Son .

    We are to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts of 1 Corinthians 12 and 14 as a means to pursue the love Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 13.


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