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Who Is The Head Of The Church

Who Is The God Of Russian Orthodox

Who is the head of the church? “The prophet”?

Eastern Orthodox Christians believe in a single God who is both three and one the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one in essence and undivided.

Is Russian Orthodox Church outside Russia?

The Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia is a semi-autonomous jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate originally formed in response against the policy of Bolsheviks with respect to religion in the Soviet Union soon after the Russian Revolution.

What churches are in Russia?

Churches in Russia. Share. Of all the churches in Russia, the most famous is in Moscow: St Basils Cathedral. As the heart of the Russian Orthodox Church, Moscow is home to many beautiful and important churches, and St Basils, located on Red Square, is one of the most recognizable buildings in the world.

Do Russian Orthodox priests marry?

What Is The Anglican Church Of England

Anglicanism site. The Established Church of England is known as the Church of England . Despite the fact that the king is the most powerful political figure, the most senior priest is the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Church of England is often known as the mother church of the Anglican Communion, which is an international body of Christians.

God Rejects Pastors And Sets Up Shepherds To Feed Us

2 Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel

against the pastors that feed my people

Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the evil of your doings, saith the LORD.

3 And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their folds and they shall be fruitful and increase.

4And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them:

and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the LORD.

Jeremiah 23 : 2-4

Life today is just too complex for one man to have all the answers.

But then God says that He will provide shepherds who will feed the people the correct food. A group of elders can feed a local church far more effectively with their combined wisdom and experience than one-man-church-head .

The people “shall fear no more”. They will not be subject to terror tactics if they disagree. No more will dissenters have to undergo expulsion and having the blood remitted . No longer will they be unwanted just because they dared to disagree.

God rejects the pastors and sets up shepherds. Who are these people?

They will be a minority.

7 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them?

8I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless

when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Luke 18 : 7-8

Shepherds always go to the Word.

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Pope Francis Drops Biggest Hints That He Might Quit As Head Of Catholic Church

14:02, 17 January 2023 GMT| Last updated 14:02, 17 January 2023 GMT

Featured Image Credit: Marco Campagna / Massimo Valicchia / Alamy

Pope Francis has dropped perhaps his biggest hint to date that he might be preparing to step down from his role as the head of the Catholic Church, following in the footsteps of his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, who became the first pope since 1415 to abdicate the papacy.

Speaking to gathered crowds in St Peter’s Square on Sunday, Francis delivered a sermon in which he praised the âvirtue of stepping aside at the right timeâ, fuelling rumours that he is planning to leave the position as Pontiff.

That speculation has been swirling since the death of Pope Benedict last month, with many believing that Francis did not want there to be two Pope Emeritusâ – living popes who have abdicated the role – at the same time.

With Benedictâs death, that would no longer be the case.

However, he has not confirmed suspicions that he might step down – and had previously denied reports in July 2022 that he would be resigning in the near future.

In his Sunday Angelus â given each Sunday at midday in the Vatican â Francis said: âIt is easy to become attached to roles and positions, to the need to be esteemed, recognised and rewarded.

âIt is good for us too to cultivate, like John , the virtue of setting ourselves aside at the right moment, bearing witness that the point of reference of life is Jesus.

“Here you have it.â

How Pastors Made A Mess Of The 1963 Cloud Doctrine

Pope Benedict XVI officially resigns as head of the Catholic Church ...

There is no mountain under the Cloud. The Cloud never was at Sunset Mountain.

Brother Branham made a big mistake by thinking that he stood under this cloud.

He knew nothing about the cloud when it appeared. He then got the place and time of the cloud hopelessly wrong.

Message pastors use these wrong quotes to build up fictitious doctrines like “The Lord has come and is in a mystery dimension”, “Mercy is over”, “The Angel of Revelation 10 came down while brother Branham was on earth”, “The shout has happened”.

The Cloud was photographed on 28 February 1963. How can this be the Coming of the Lord when he said that the Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth? The Seventh Seal was only preached on 24 March 1963 as well as some comments on 25 March 1963. So which date was the Coming?

The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth.

“Souls that are in Prison Now” 10 November 1963

The Seventh Seal hasn’t opened yet, you know. That’s His Coming.

“The Feast of the Trumpets” 19 July 1964

And now I’m here in Yuma, Arizona. Hallelujah! I’m identified tonight, here in this Stardust Motel, with a group of people who believes the same thing. “And now we’re seated together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.” Hallelujah!

I’m looking for His Coming in glory, some of these days.

Identified with Him!

“The Identified Masterpiece of God” 05 December 1964

Message-people seldom mention that two clouds were photographed from the city of Winslow.

Peter prophesied of a high-altitude smoke cloud.

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Churches Not In Communion With Other Churches

Churches with irregular or unresolved canonical status are entities that have carried out episcopal consecrations outside of the norms of canon law or whose bishops have been excommunicated by one of the 14 autocephalous churches. These include nationalist and other schismatic bodies such as the Abkhazian Orthodox Church.

Conversion Of South And East Slavs

In the ninth and tenth centuries, Christianity made great inroads into pagan Europe, including Bulgaria and later Kievan Rus’ . This work was made possible by Cyril and Methodius of Thessaloniki, two brothers chosen by to fulfill the request of Rastislav of Moravia for teachers who could minister to the Moravians in their own language. Cyril and Methodius began translating the divine liturgy, other liturgical texts, and the Gospels along with some other scriptural texts into local languages with time, as these translations were copied by speakers of other dialects, the hybrid literary language Church Slavonic was created. Originally sent to convert the Slavs of Great Moravia, Cyril and Methodius were forced to compete with Frankish missionaries from the Roman diocese their disciples were driven out of Great Moravia in AD 886 and emigrated to Bulgaria.

The baptism of Princess Olga in ConstantinopleRadzivill Chronicle

The missionaries to the East and South Slavs had great success in part because they used the people’s native language rather than Greek, the predominant language of the Byzantine Empire, or Latin, as the Roman priests did. Perhaps the greatest legacy of their efforts is the Russian Orthodox Church, which is the largest of the Orthodox churches.

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Is Peter The First Pope

Peter was one of the 12 disciples whom Jesus appointed as apostles. According to the tradition of the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus appointed Saint Peter to be the first pope . As a result of the fact that Jesus handed him the keys of the kingdom of heaven , he is frequently represented as standing at the gates of heaven in works of art and in popular culture.

The Kirk And The State

Christ: The Head of the Church | Conrad Mbewe

The King is not the supreme governor of the Church of Scotland, as he is in the Church of England. The sovereign has the right to attend the General Assembly, but not to take part in its deliberations. The Oath of Accession includes a promise to “maintain and preserve the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government”.

The King maintains warm relations with the Church of Scotland, where he worships when in Scotland, and from which the chaplains of the Royal Household in Scotland are appointed.

The Church of Scotland is not State controlled, and neither the Scottish nor the Westminster Parliaments are involved in Kirk appointments.

The Kirk’s status as the national Church in Scotland dates from 1690, when Parliament restored Scottish Presbyterianism, and is guaranteed under the Act of Union of Scotland and England of 1707.

In matters of doctrine, government, discipline, and worship, the Church of Scotland is free of State interference, operating under a constitution largely contained in the Articles Declaratory, which were recognised by Parliament in 1921. Our Church law pages include more information and the acts and regulations of the General Assembly since 1929.

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Supreme Governor Of The Church Of England

Supreme Governor of the

The supreme governor of the Church of England is the titular head of the Church of England, a position which is vested in the British monarch. Although the monarch’s authority over the Church of England is largely ceremonial and is mostly observed in a symbolic capacity, the position is still very relevant to the church. As the supreme governor, the monarch formally appoints high-ranking members of the church on the advice of the prime minister of the United Kingdom, who in turn acts on the advice of the Crown Nominations Commission. Historically, the Supreme Governors have been members of Christian denominations other than the Church of England.

What Is The Hierarchy Of The Catholic Church Called

The Bishop of Rome, often known as the Pope , is at the top of the Catholic Churchs hierarchical structure and serves as the head of the worldwide Catholic Church. The papal conclave on which Pope Francis was ultimately selected took place on March 13, 2013. The papacy is the title given to the position held by the Pope.

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Is Archbishop Above Bishop

An archbishop is a bishop who has a greater rank or office than other bishops. Archbishops are either chosen by the people or given their positions by the Pope. Archbishops are the most senior members of the conventional clergy hierarchy, which also includes the orders of deacon, priest, and bishop. The leader of an archdiocese is called its archbishop.

How Much Longer Will Pope Francis Serve

Jesus Christ the Head of the Church

Pope Francis has indicated that he may complete his term as pope in fewer than five years.On March 8, 2015, Pope Francis made a pastoral visit to the parish of Santa Maria Madre del Redentore in Rome.While there, he presided over a mass and greeted parishioners.

  • Pope Francis, who was elevated to the position of pope on the same day two years ago, has stated that he does not anticipate remaining in that role for very much longer.
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    What Are The Ranks Of The Church

  • Individuals can work their way up the order to one of the six primary levels of the clergy, but only a very small percentage of them will ever reach the highest level of the hierarchy. In point of fact, the vast majority of people who join the priesthood never go above the second level. Within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, the position of deacon
  • Is Archbishop Higher Than Bishop

    An archbishop is a bishop who has a greater rank or office than other bishops. Archbishops are either chosen by the people or given their positions by the Pope. Archbishops are the most senior members of the conventional clergy hierarchy, which also includes the orders of deacon, priest, and bishop. The leader of an archdiocese is called its archbishop.

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    Is The Queen Protestant

    The correct response is not as straightforward as it would first appear.Its a common misconception that members of the royal family are devout Catholics.Again, they do not belong to the Catholic faith.They have been a member of this faith ever since the 16th century, and the royal family currently holds the position of head of the Church of England, which is a Protestant branch of the Anglican church.

    The Apse Is The Location Of The Head Of The Church Where All The Faithful Are Called To Focus Their Attention

    Head of the Catholic Church in Ireland Meets with Government Officials Regarding Mass Restrictions

    In discussing the various parts of a Catholic Church, one location that has multiple names is the apse.

    The apse is generally speaking a specific location within the sanctuary, and is most visible in churches that are built in a cruciform manner.

    According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, The term in ecclesiastical architecture generally denotes that part of the church where the clergy are seated or the altar placed. It was so called from being usually domed or vaulted, and was so used by the Greeks and Romans.

    The apse is most often the place where the tabernacle is located that contains the Blessed Sacrament.

    Furthermore, traditionally churches were built facing East and the apse was located in the direction of the rising sun. It symbolized the direction from whence Christ, the light of the world, would come again.

    The apse was also the location on the cruciform church of Jesus head. Since the head is what directs the rest of the body, all worshipers in the church looked to the head, where the Eucharist was celebrated.

    In a similar way, the apse also represented the location of the head/leader of the local church, the bishop. Later on the priest assumed that role as the number of churches expanded.

    While not all modern churches have an apse, historically speaking most cruciform Catholic churches were built with an apse within the sanctuary area.

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    Who Is The Highest Person In The Catholic Church

    The Supreme Pontiff, sometimes known as the Pope, serves as the ordinary local bishop for the whole Catholic Church. Throughout the Eastern Catholic Churches, patriarchs, major archbishops, and metropolitans are vested with the ordinary authority of governance over the entirety of the area associated with their specific autonomous churches.

    Who Is Under The Pope

    The pope is assisted in his duties by bishops, who are considered to be the spiritual successors of the original twelve apostles who followed Jesus. In addition to this, there are cardinals the pope chooses who will serve in this capacity, and only the cardinals may choose the next pope. In the time between papal elections, the church is also governed by its cardinals.

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    Is The Head Of The Catholic Church Ever Married

    We see so many young men who dont have the courage to get married, and mothers often say to me, Do something, speak to my son, who is not getting married and is 37 years old, said the 85-year-old head of the Catholic Church, who has never been married and has no children. We see so many young men who dont have the courage to get married, he continued.

    Can The Pope Have A Wife

    The Head Of The Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of The Kiev Patriarchate ...

    You are required to stay celibate, study a number of different languages, go to confession, meet with leaders of state, and lead services for large groups of people. Therefore, the straightforward response to the issue posed in this article is no, the Popes do not marry. Despite this fact, there have been a few popes throughout history who have broken the rules on occasion.

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    Teaching Makes Us Understand Bible Verses

    The teacher is a special man. He sits back under the anointing of the Spirit and is able to take the

    Words and put them together by the Holy Spirit, that, thepastor or evangelist either one could not compare with him.

    “God Doesn’t Call Man to Judgment Without First Warning Him” 24 July 1963

    Then he places those ideas into the Scripture and links Scripture to Scripture to prove the idea purely from the Bible.

    No quotes are needed to prove the point. The Bible alone must be able to do so.

    The other ministries cannot compare with this ability to link the Scriptures together, that a Bible teacher is anointed with.

    If the quotes can be proven from the Scripture then these revelations can be guaranteed to be the truth. This is the value of teaching if the pastors and evangelists and other preachers are not too proud to learn doctrine from a teacher.

    “Helps”. The church is not run by one man. All the people should be involved. Anyone can help and find something useful to do. This ministry is an invitation for people to pitch in and be active.

    “Governments” refer to the elders who govern the church.

    Show unto us the way to walk. Teach us, O Father, God. May we receive it. And if it’s contrary to the Word, we know that it’s the wrong teacher.

    The Holy Spirit is our Teacher. He wrote the Word, and He would not teach anything but the Word.

    And we pray that He’ll make it manifest to us this night in our heart. Grant it, God.

    “Jehovah Jireh 3” 07 July 1962

    you don’t need any teacher


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