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HomeMust ReadWhat Books Of The Bible Do Jewish Use

What Books Of The Bible Do Jewish Use

A Book In The Language Of The Jews

Did Jews Use The Greek Septuagint?

Jewish scholar David Flusser observes how the New Testament records Jewish life in the Hellenistic Diaspora. But the writings not only give us a look into Jewish customs, thinking and beliefs they also provide us with clues concerning the languages spoken at that time.

“The spoken languages among the Jews of that period were Hebrew, Aramaic, and to an extent Greek. Until recently, it was believed by numerous scholars that the language spoken by Jesus’ disciples was Aramaic.But during that period Hebrew was both the daily language and the language of study.This question of the spoken language is especially important for understanding the doctrines of Jesus. There are sayings of Jesus which can be rendered both into Hebrew and Aramaic but there are some which can only be rendered into Hebrew, and none of them can be rendered only into Aramaic. One can thus demonstrate the Hebrew origins of the Gospels by retranslating them into Hebrew.”9

The New Testament was written by Jews, focuses on issues of interest to Jews and was strongly influenced by the Hebrew language.

A Book Written By Jews

Most scholars agree that the writers of the New Testament were Jewish . “Most of the writers of the various parts were Jews, and the writings were designed for Jewish readers who had embraced the Christian faith. The authors drew more or less from contemporary Jewish ideas, ethics, legends, parables and sayings.”1

The New Testament writers were not rebellious radicals bent on destroying Judaism. They worshiped regularly in the Temple.2 They were well versed in the Jewish Scriptures as demonstrated by their numerous references to the prophecies and practices of the Hebrew Scriptures.

Paul the Apostle, also known as Saul of Tarsus

The most prolific New Testament writer, Paul, wrote almost half of the 27 New Testament books. His Jewish background is indisputable. He was a son of Abraham, from the tribe of Benjamin,3 and a Pharisee.4 The Jewish scholar Professor Samuel Sandmel of Hebrew Union College observes that Paul the Jew “was at home in the Bible and in the practice of expounding it he shared the group-feeling of Jews, and he was, from his own standpoint, unreservedly loyal to Judaism.”5

Paul hoped to convince both fellow Christians and Jews of his vision of redemption.

Jewish scholar Alan F. Segal admits, “However much I may disagree with Paul, my reading accedes to the authenticity of Paul’s conversion experience. Paul considered himself part of a new Jewish sect and hoped to convince both fellow Christians and Jews of his vision of redemption.”6

Translations Of Individual Books Of The Bible

Menachem Mendel Kasher

Everett Fox

In addition to his translation of the Torah, Fox has translated the books of Samuel , and subsequently all of the Early Prophets .

Kehot Publication Society

Kehot Publication Society has started a translation of the Torah, and as of March 2007 has completed the books of Shemot and Bamidbar . The volumes, titled Torah Chumash Shemos and Torah Chumash Bemidbar, are bilingual HebrewEnglish translations that include a running commentary based on Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson‘s interpretation of Rashi’s commentary. The project is supervised by editor-in-chief Moshe Wisnefsky.

David Rosenberg

Rosenberg worked on A Literary Bible: An Original Translation, a secular, poetic version of the Jewish scriptures. It has been widely reviewed in literary journals, including The New York Times Book Review by Frank Kermode.

The Bible Unauthorized

In 1942 A. H. Moose published a volume titled The Bible Unauthorized that included a translation of the first few chapters of Bereshit and a “treatise” that “proved” the existence of God, the Biblical account of creation, and other parts of the Bible. Moose claimed that “the real content of the Bible differs greatly from the many erroneous translations” that preceded his, and that his was “likely the first accurate translation”.

According to the correspondence of Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Schneersohn Moose was the pseudonym of Rabbi Aaron Hirsh Levitt, who had worked with Schneersohn.

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Do Jewish People Use The Bible


Jews primarily use the first five books of the Law which they call the Torah as a basis for their Religious Law. Jewsalso consider the stories of the Old Testament to be a narrative oftheir history. Jews do not read the New Testament or if they do,they do so as a piece of literature, and not as a holyscripture.

The Koren Jerusalem Bible

Large Bible

The Koren Jerusalem Bible is a Hebrew/English Tanakh by Koren Publishers Jerusalem. The Koren Bible was the first Bible published in modern Israel, distinguished for its accuracy and beauty, and one of the most widely distributed Hebrew editions ever published. The English translation in The Koren Jerusalem Bible, which is Koren’s Hebrew/English edition, is by Professor Harold Fisch, a Biblical and literary scholar, and is based on Friedländer‘s 1881 Jewish Family Bible, but it has been “thoroughly corrected, modernized, and revised”.

The Koren Jerusalem Bible incorporates some unique features:

  • The paragraphing of the English translation parallels the division of the parashot in the Hebrew version on the facing page. Chapter and verse numbers are noted only in the margin .
  • The names of people and places in the translation are transliterations of the Hebrew names, as opposed to the Hellenized versions used in most translations. For example, the Hebrew name Moshe is used instead of the more familiar Moses.
  • It uses Koren Type, created by typographer Eliyahu Koren specifically for The Koren Bible, and is a most accurate and legible Hebrew type.

The Koren Jerusalem Bible is sometimes referred to as The Jerusalem Bible, Koren Bible, the Koren Tanakh, or Tanakh Yerushalayim .

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What Bible Does The Jewish Religion Use

It has three parts based on the Hebrew culture Tanakh stands for them all in their traditional letters. Torah: The Teaching of Moses and the Five Books of the Bible.. In Arabic terms, N refers to the prophetic books of Nevi. Ketuvim, for the Writtens, which encompass a vast array of readings from psalms, wisdom books, and other sources.

Prayer In The Hebrew Bible

Prayer in the Hebrew Bible is an evolving means of interacting with God, most frequently through a spontaneous, individual, unorganized form of petitioning and/or thanking. Standardized prayer such as is done today is non-existent. However, beginning in Deuteronomy, the Bible lays the groundwork for organized prayer including basic liturgical guidelines, and by the Bible’s later books, prayer has evolved to a more standardized form, although still radically different from the form practiced by modern Jews.

Individual prayer is described by the Tanakh two ways. The first of these is when prayer is described as occurring, and a result is achieved, but no further information regarding a person’s prayer is given. In these instances, such as with Isaac,Moses,Samuel, and Job, the act of praying is a method of changing a situation for the better. The second way in which prayer is depicted is through fully fleshed out episodes of prayer, where a person’s prayer is related in full. Many famous biblical personalities have such a prayer, including every major character from Hannah to Hezekiah.

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What Is The Torah

Although the Torah can broadly denote Judaism’s oral and written laws, it specifically refers to the first five chapters of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. The Talmud, an important interpretive text within Judaism, states that 613 commandments are included in this first section of the Hebrew Bible. The Torah is also referred to as the Law of Moses or Torat Moshe.

Facts About The Jewish Holy Books

Divine Prospect Q& A | What books do you use everyday to study the Hebrew Bible?
  • The word Torah stands for instruction or teaching in Hebrew. It contains five books of Moses that are also found in the Holy Bible. The names of Jewish Holy books are also found in the Bible, including Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. These books are currently present in the Old Testament.
  • The Torah contains approximately 4000 laws in writing. The writing was a difficult and challenging one, as no mistakes were allowed during the writing process. If there were any mistakes in the word God, the scribe would have to bathe themselves in a ritual pool, burn the scroll and write all over again.
  • The Jewish holy book in English and other languages is read from the beginning to the end. One section is read every week, after which they begin afresh once the Jewish New Year has passed.

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Main Differences Between Hebrew Bible And Torah

  • The Hebrew bible is one of the holy scripture of the Jewish people, and the Torah is one of the sections of the Hebrew bible.
  • The Hebrew bible is a set of a total of twenty-four books, and the Torah is subdivided into five books that are Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy.
  • The Hebrew Bible is also referred to as Tanakh, and the Torah is referred to as Chumash or books of Moses.
  • The Hebrew Bible has three main units or divisions the Torah or sayings, the Neviim, or the messengers, and the Ketuvim, or scribbles. And Torah is a part of the Hebrew Bible, and it is divided into five books.
  • The Hebrew Bible contains all the teachings related to the culture and traditions of the religion, while the Torah contains sayings or teachings of human life and the way a person must spend his/her life.
  • A Book Of Fulfilled Prophecy

    This appeal to fulfilled prophecy continues with Mark, who prefaces his gospel account with, “It is written in Isaiah the Prophet.” He cites Isaiah, “A voice of one calling: In the desert prepare the way for the Lord” , and Malachi, “See, I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me” .

    “It is written” occurs time and again in the pages that follow as the New Testament writers buttress their arguments with the Hebrew Scriptures-the Law, the prophets and the writings. The two testaments fit together one does not supersede the other. “The New Testament is regarded by Christians as the fulfillment of the prophecies and the teachings contained in the Old.”8

    In Acts 2:14-28, Peter, known as “the apostle to the Jewish people,” began his ministry with a lengthy quotation from the Hebrew prophet Joel. He then affirmed that Yeshua was the Messiah, citing Psalm 16:10, “Because you will not leave my soul in Hades, nor will you allow your Holy One to see corruption” . His hearers, with the events of the crucifixion still fresh in their memory, were “cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, ‘Men and brethren, what shall we do?'”.

    The New Testament was written by Jews.

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    Why Jews Cannot Accept The New Testament

    For centuries, Christians have asked why Jews dont accept the authenticity of the New Testament. Lets explore in depth one of the many reasons, namely contradictions and inconsistencies.

    Judaism believes that the Jewish Scriptures, often referred to as the Old Testament, are the inspired word of God. If passages appear to contradict one another, it is our responsibility to delve deeply and uncover a correct understanding. Unfortunately, some Christians believe that the end justifies the means and often use the following New Testament passage to justify their approach. Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is proclaimed

    Additionally, Judaism encourages full disclosure and an honest examination of the Bible. Therefore, when passages within Jewish Scriptures appear to contradict one another, our sages never ignored them. Instead, they always sought an understanding consistent with the entire Torah.

    I begin by presenting one of many examples that substantiate the Jewish approach. In 1 Chronicles 21:1, it states, Then Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel.

    However, another passage in the Jewish Bible, 2 Samuel 24:1, states that God caused King David to count the Jewish people. The anger of the Lord burned against Israel, and He incited David against them to say, Go number Israel

    When Was The Jewish Holy Book Written

    Large Bible

    Heres a breakdown of when several ancient and sacred Jewish texts were written:

    • According to the Jewish tradition, the Torah was written in 1312 BCE. God gave it to Moses. Moses wrote it down and gave it to his people.
    • The Mishnah was completed in the 3rd Century.
    • The Babylonian Talmud was written from the beginning of the 3rd Century till the end of the 5th Century, in Babylon and the Land of Israel. It contains the different codes of rabbinic law.
    • The Responsa was written in the 6th Century.
    • The Kabbalah was written in 1200s CE

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    Is The Torah The Same As The Bible

    One of the fundamental differences between the Hebrew bible and Torah was that the Hebrew bible was the first sacred Hebrew book for Jews. is another section of the Hebrew Bible, and it is split into five sections again. Numbers, Exodus, Leviticus, Genesis, and Deuteronomy are the seven basic documents in the Torah.

    Who Wrote The Bible

    Where did the Bible come from? Traditionally, Jews have claimed that all five books of the Torah were revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai. The prophets were the authors of their own books as well as others that are attributed to them , and Kings David and Solomon each wrote several works .

    Internal contradictions as well as shifts in language and outlook have convinced many modern scholars that the Torah and later historical narratives, as well as the books of the prophets and some of the writings, had multiple authors or redactors who edited traditional materials together, leaving some of the seams between the sources. Some of the critical theories that break apart the Bible into its various sources were initially suggested by Christian theologians who used their arguments to advance claims that later Judaism was a corruption of early biblical religion. Since that time, however, many Jewish scholars have integrated the insights drawn from a critical approach a Redactor or Redactors may have edited together different sources, but contemporary Jewish scholars may understand R as standing for Rabbenu, our Rabbi and teacher.

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    The History Of Canonization

    Because no explicit or reliable traditions concerning the criteria of canonicity, the canonizing authorities, the periods in which they lived, or the procedure adopted have been preserved, no more than a plausible reconstruction of the successive stages involved can be provided. First, it must be observed that sanctity and canonization are not synonymous terms. The first condition must have existed before the second could have been formally conferred. Next, the collection and organization of a number of sacred texts into a canonized corpus is quite a different problem from that of the growth and formation of the individual books themselves.

    The Jewish Holy Book Talmud

    What is the Torah?

    The Bible is indeed the basis of the Jewish people, but there is no doubt that the Talmud is the one who shaped the people of Israel in the last 1500 years. The Talmud was written between the third and sixth centuries AD by a rabbis group in Babylon and Jerusalem.

    While the Mishnah was a written summary of the Oral Torah, the Talmud was mainly discussing countless different aspects of Jewish law. On top of this, the Talmud includes Complements, stories, legends that teach about the nature of the period, morals, and courtesy. The Talmudic text was supplemented with other interpretive writings that continued the Jewish law discussions for many centuries.

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    The Book Is Actually Many Books

    Perhaps our conception of the Bible as one book is a result of our having one-volume printed Bibles in ancient times, individual books were published in smaller scrolls the word Bible, however, comes from the Greek ta biblia, which is plural and means books. Even the individual books can include a variety of different genres of writingnarratives, poetry, legal texts, prophecieswhich makes reading the Bible as a unified book that much more difficult.

    Collecting the books and deciding which ones were to be included as part of the Bible and which were not is called the process of canonization canonization of the Hebrew Bible was concluded during the first century CE. We have fragments and significant portions of the Bible from before that time, but our earliest complete manuscripts date from the ninth century CE and later remarkably, through hundreds of years of transmission, the received text, what we call the Masoretic text, differs only slightly from those earliest fragments.

    A Book About Jews Dealing With Jews

    For the most part, the New Testament depicts Jews dealing with other Jews on questions of importance to the Jewish people. Alan Segal says, “Study of the New Testament, undeniably a first-century source, has proven to be quite useful for validating mishnaic recollections of first-century Jewish life, but such comparisons are in their infancy. The New Testament is also better evidence for Hellenistic Judaism than is the Mishnah for first-century rabbinism.”10

    God’s righteousness was a familiar concept to Yeshua’s Jewish followers.

    In the Sermon on the Mount,11 Jesus the Jew tells his followers, “So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the Gentiles run after all these things.” Yeshua goes on to encourage his followers to “seek first kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” The heavenly kingdom and God’s righteousness were familiar concepts to Yeshua’s Jewish followers.

    Likewise, when Jesus sent out his disciples, he told them, “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel.”12

    The Book of Acts tells how Stephen, the first Jesus-believing Jewish martyr, stood before his accusers and cited the history of his people. This Jewish man spoke before a Jewish crowd, about their Jewish ancestors. And, not unlike many of the Jewish prophets of old, Stephen was dragged out of the city and stoned.

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