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What Is The Meaning Of Salvation In The Bible

Nothing Can Frustrate God

Bible Study: What Does Salvation Mean to You

Judged by God and sinful in constitution, mankind looks utterly hopeless. The fulfillment of Gods purpose seems impossible. But Ephesians 3:11 tells us good news: According to the eternal purpose which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord. Gods purpose is eternal and unchangeable nothing can frustrate Him from fulfilling it.

Despite what Satan did, God can never be defeated. Instead, Gods great wisdom is displayed in His twofold solution to our twofold problem: His complete salvation.

What Exactly Is Salvation

Before understanding what Salvation is, you have to understand what grace is. When Jesus died on that cross for each one of us, death was defeated, and the price for our sins became paid off. In terms of Christianity, Grace is the mercy or favor that God has given to us when he sent his son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for us.

Ever since Jesus died for us, we now have undeserved favor and eternal life. Salvation means the saving of humanity from sin. Before Jesus died for us, there were many consequences of sin, including stoning and death. Jesus lived a sinless life and did absolutely nothing wrong during his time on earth. While on earth, Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, loved people, and taught about the Kingdom of God. Yet, Jesus was still punished, beaten, crucified, and died on a cross just for us to have eternal life. Salvation is deliverance it is the ability to be saved from sin and death. When you dedicate your life to Jesus and receive Him as your Lord and savior, remember that this is all possible because of what Jesus did for you. Nothing can separate you from his love.

What Is Salvation What Is The Salvation Of The Last Days In The Bible

What is salvation? With regards to this question, many believers in the Lord will say, Through the Lord Jesus crucifixion, we are redeemed and forgiven of our sins. This is what salvation means. However, do you realize the biblical prophecy says, Who are kept by the power of God through faith to salvation ready to be revealed in the last time ? We can see from this that in the last days, Gods salvation will come to us mankind. This proves that salvation not solely means the Lord Jesus salvation. So just what is salvation, and how can we gain Gods salvation in the last days? These issues are directly linked to the important matter of our gaining salvation and entering the kingdom of heaven, so let us fellowship and explore them now together.

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Why Its Important To Know Gods Salvation Is Complete

If we only know Gods salvation is to save us from eternal judgment, we might be satisfied and content. But our Christian life, which is meant for Gods purpose, would be directionless and goalless.

We appreciate Christs death for us to save us from Gods judgment. But our whole life takes on meaning if we know that Gods complete salvation includes being saved in the life of Christ. He wants us to be filled with His divine life and to enjoy Him as everything so His purpose can be fulfilled.

Well be conscious of our need to be saved in the life of Christ in many areasin our thoughts, ideas, and concepts, in our feelings, attitude, and reactions, and in our intentions, aims, and goals. Well turn to Him in all the situations of our life to cooperate with Him and let Him grow in us. As we receive and enjoy His grace, well be saved daily from our self, the world, sin, and all negative things, to become part of His glorious expression.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your complete salvation. Thank you for saving me through Your death on the cross. Oh Lord, daily save me in Your life. Lord, save me in every part of my being so Your eternal purpose can be fulfilled. Amen.

You may also want to read our post The Two Halves of the Gospel in Romans 5:10.

All verses are quoted from the Holy Bible Recovery Version. You can order a free copy of the New Testament Recovery Version here.

The United Pentecostal Church

The Meaning of Salvation in 2020

Oneness Pentecostals teach that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the only means by which atonement can be obtained for dying humanity, and which makes the free gift of God’s salvation possible. They believe that all must put faith in the propitiatory work of Christ to gain everlasting life. According to United Pentecostal theology, this saving faith is more than just mental assent or intellectual acceptance, or even verbal profession, but must include trust, appropriation, application, action, and obedience. They contend that water baptism is one of the works of faith and obedience necessary for Christ’s sacrificial atonement to be efficacious.

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The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that the atonement of Jesus Christ is infinite and the central principle that enables the “plan of redemption” which is often also called the “plan of salvation”. In the Book of Mormon the prophet Amulek teaches that the “great and last sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, infinite and eternal. And thus he shall bring salvation to all those who shall believe on his name” There are two parts of salvation, conditional and unconditional. Unconditional salvation means that the atonement of Jesus Christ redeems all humanity from the chains of death and they are resurrected to their perfect frames. Conditional salvation of the righteous comes by grace coupled with strict obedience to Gospel principles, in which those who have upheld the highest standards and are committed to the covenants and ordinances of God, will inherit the highest heaven. There is no need for infant baptism. Christ’s atonement completely resolved the consequence from the fall of Adam of spiritual death for infants, young children and those of innocent mental capacity who die before an age of self-accountability, hence all these are resurrected to eternal life in the resurrection. However, baptism is required of those who are deemed by God to be accountable for their actions

The Gospel Of Salvationpauls Vocation

The opening verse of Romans announces Pauls own vocation, the work that God has called him to do: proclaiming the gospel of God in word and deed. So what is the gospel of God? Paul says that it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed through faith for faith as it is written, The one who is righteous will live by faith . For Paul, the gospel is more than wordsit is the power of God for salvation. He emphasizes that this salvation is not for one group of people only but is intended to help anyone on earth to be among the people of God, by faith. Romans, then, is above all about Gods salvation.

What is salvation? Salvation is the work of God that sets human beings in right relationship with God and with one another. As we will see momentarily, what we are being saved from are broken relation-shipswith God and with other peoplethat unleash the evil forces of sin and death in the world. Therefore, salvation is first of all the healing of broken relationships, beginning with the healing that reconciles the Creator and the created, God and us. Our reconciliation with God leads to freedom from sin and a newness of life that is not limited by death.

In sum, salvation is the ultimate work of Christ in the world, the goal toward which believers always press on, as Paul puts it . Salvation underlies everything Paul and everything believers do in work and life.

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Bible Salvation: God Forgives You

First of all, when you are saved, in other words when you put your faith in Jesus Christ that covers your past. God forgives you of all your sin. And you need to know that when you put your faith in Jesus the devil is going to be there to attack there.

And he will whisper in your ear the same thing that he said to our first parents in the garden.

Did God really say what you thought He said? You remember.

He came to Adam and Eve and challenged God.

And in the same way after you have put your faith in Christ, he will come to you and say, Do you really believe God has forgiven a creep like you? Do you really believe that you are going to go to heaven when you die?

Well, you are not worthy.

You dont deserve it. You are not ok and therefore forth.

And I will address those issues in a moment. But he will challenge it. And it is then that we base our salvation not on our feelings in the moment but on the factor what the Word of God says, And when you put your faith in Christ the Bible is adamant in saying you are saved. It is your present possession.

1 John 5:10 says, Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony.

Romans 8:16 says,The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are Gods children.

John 5:24 says, Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.

Misconceptions About Universal Salvation

Biblical Salvation Explained Simply | One Minute Bible Study

Misconception: First Corinthians 15:22 teaches universal salvation by saying that in the Christ all will be made alive.

Fact: The context of this verse discusses the resurrection. So the phrase in the Christ all will be made alive simply means that all who are resurrected receive this blessing through Jesus Christ.John 11:25.

Misconception: Titus 2:11 teaches universal salvation by saying that God is bringing salvation to all people.International Standard Version.

Fact: The Greek word translated all in this verse can also mean every kind or variety. * Thus, the correct understanding of Titus 2:11 is that God is making salvation available to all sorts of people, including people out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues.Revelation 7:9, 10.

Misconception: Second Peter 3:9 teaches universal salvation by saying that God does not desire anyone to be destroyed.

Fact: God wants people to be saved, but he does not force them to accept his provision for salvation. His day of judgment will include the destruction of the ungodly people.2 Peter 3:7.

^ par. 1 The Bible refers to a person as having been saved even though his or her actual salvation from sin and death is yet to come.Ephesians 2:5 Romans 13:11.

^ par. 5 The name Jesus is derived from the Hebrew name Yehoh·shua, which means Jehovah Is Salvation.

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Prayer Points For Salvation Of Souls

  • Father, I praise your holy name for sending you son the Lord Jesus to die for my sins.
  • Jesus, I am grateful for your unconditional love.
  • I pray for the grace to abide in the presence of God all the days of my life.
  • May the blessings of salvation have an expression in my life.n
  • Oh lord! Give me the grace to love and serve you.
  • Jesus, I pray that your blood washes away anything in my life that does not glorify your name.
  • I pray for the miracles of salvation in my life and family.
  • Father, take away every sinful nature from life.
  • Holy Spirit I pray that you take over my life.

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How To Explain Salvation To An Unbeliever

The best way on how to explain salvation to an unbeliever is a practical demonstration of the love of God. They need to be able to spot something unique in you as the preacher.

Preach to unbelievers by sharing your experience of salvation. You must never rebuke unbelievers and throw threats at them. The word of God is love.

Patience is the key to draw unbelievers to Christ. Using the scripture in John 3:16 to emphasize the love of God is a good strategy for preaching to unbelievers. Unbelievers must understand the implications of operating outside the word of God.

Another effective way to preach to unbelievers is to pray for them. Ask God to touch their hearts so that the word of God you would preach would touch their hearts.

Believers must be aware that being a Christian would not hurt their lives. They would enjoy divine ability and be at the top.

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Understanding The Meaning And Importance Of Salvation In Christianity

Understanding the meaning and the importance of salvation in Christianity is the key to an eternal inheritance in Christ. Salvation means to be born again and filled with the holy spirit.

Salvation is experiencing a new birth in Christ Jesus. Being born again is a conscious attempt to live according to the ordinances of the scripture. New birth means to abide by the divine guidance of the holy spirit about every aspect of your life.

The salvation of Christ is compulsory for every believer. It is the only way that you can live a purposeful life here on earth and also make it to heaven on the last day.

Today, many Christians underrate the importance of salvation. The concept of new birth likened to a kind of old fashion tradition. According to the requirements of God, salvation is a prerequisite to making heaven. You cannot be a Christian without having the word of God and the holy spirit inside of you.

In this post, you will learn the meaning and importance of salvation. I pray God will give you an understanding of his word. Amen.

How To Explain Salvation To A Child


Explaining salvation to a child is a bit technical. Children may not be able to grasp the biblical concepts and implication of salvation.

The preferred method on how to explain salvation to a child is to tell them stories of your journey of being a Christian.

Also, it is necessary to tell them about the impact of the love of Christ in John 3:16. Make an illustration about how God so loves us to have sent his only son to redeem humanity. It is like a kid giving up his favourite toy to make another kid happy. It is not an easy decision for kids.

Jesus loves little children and wants the best for them. He befriends who are obedient to their parents and do good to all those around them.

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Key Terms Of Salvation In The Bible

The more one understands the key terms the apostle Paul chose to explain the gospel, the deeper ones experience will be with the gospel. Paul uses these terms throughout the book of Romans to describe the free gift of salvation and eternal transformation that is available to all who will believe and trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sin.

How Do We Receive Salvation

When I bought an engagement ring for my wife, it did not make us engaged. I still had to pop the question and she still had to receive my gift. In the same way Christ has done what is necessary for us to be saved, but that gift is not appropriated apart from faith. This is what the Bible teaches in Ephesians 2. We are dead in our trespasses and sin, and God makes us alive. When our eyes are opened to the beauty of the gospel and the accomplishment of Christ our only fitting response is to respond in repentance and belief.Repentance and belief are really two sides of the same coin. Repentance means that we are changing our mind about God and about ourselves. We are laying down our own foolish efforts to save ourselves. We are turning away from self-sufficiency. At the same time we are turning towards Christ. We trust that He alone is the one who can save us. We are entrusting ourselves to him.This is why the Bible says it is . Faith is simply that which links us to Christ. Its that which reaches out and grabs ahold of the work of Christ. And, as it has often been said, a weak faith is able to lay ahold of a strong Christ. The most important aspect of our repentance and faith is not its own veracity. The most important aspect of our repentance and faith is its object. When we place our faith and trust in Christ the Bible says we are saved. Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved, Joel 2:32 .

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God Takes Care Of You

Because you have been adopted by God, He will take care of you.

Matthew 6:32 says, The pagans run after all of the things that this world offers, but your Father knows you need them.

Jesus was talking about nonbelievers who only think about what they are going to eat, what they are going to drink, and what they are going to wear.

Isnt it funny?

It is 2000 years later and that is still all nonbelievers think about.

He says, You know what? Your Father is aware of youve got would like of these things. Here is what you need to focus on. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things will be added to you.

God will take care of you. You are His child.


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