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HomeWho Is My Neighbor Bible

Who Is My Neighbor Bible

Love Thy Neighbor Bible Verses

Who’s My Neighbor? – The Superbook Show

Love Your Neighbor As Yourself is the second great commandment of Jesus. It immediately follows His commandment of loving God with all your heart, mind and soul. Following this commandment is the key Jesus Christ gave us for loving others as God loves us.

No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself.

Keep on loving one another as brothers and sisters. Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

The commandments, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not murder, You shall not steal, You shall not covet, and whatever other commands there may be, are summed up in this one command: Love your neighbor as yourself.

How Will You Respond To The Needs You See

There are several parts of this story I find personally challenging.

  • The religious elites failed to respond. Not only did they pass the injured man by, but they walked away from him. Is there someone you know who is struggling physically, emotionally, or socially that you are passing by simply because you are afraid, uncomfortable, or too busy?
  • The listeners learned the power of perspective by learning that the neighbor could come from an unlikely place. Is there a people group that you have any preconceived ideas about that might be inaccurate simply because you have not taken the time to understand their culture, religion, or history?
  • The Samaritan saw the injured man, had compassion, and took action. The injured man did nothing to deserve his mercy, yet the Samaritan acted sacrificially for him. The time, physical energy, and resources it took to save an unknown man in unfathomable.
  • I ask myself, if I were to place myself in the story, where would I be? Would I be a priest or Levite fleeing from a need? Would I be a listener, silently judging the characters before I know anything about them? Or would I be the Samaritan who responds when he sees a need?

    As we begin to transform our thinking and expand our neighborhood, lets join together to find ways to love others. So, in the words of Mr. Rogers, Wont you be my neighbor?

    Parable Of The Good Samaritan

    The Good SamaritanThe Good SamaritanJacob Jordaens

    The parable of the Good Samaritan is told by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke. It is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road. First a Jewish priest and then a Levite comes by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler. Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man. Jesus is described as telling the parable in response to the question from a lawyer, “And who is my neighbor?” The conclusion is that the neighbor figure in the parable is the one who shows mercy to the injured fellow manthat is, the Samaritan.

    Some Christians, such as , have interpreted the parable allegorically, with the Samaritan representing Jesus Christ, who saves the sinful soul. Others, however, discount this allegory as unrelated to the parable’s original meaning and see the parable as exemplifying the ethics of Jesus.

    The parable has inspired painting, sculpture, satire, poetry, photography, and film. The phrase “Good Samaritan“, meaning someone who helps a stranger, derives from this parable, and many hospitals and charitable organizations are named after the Good Samaritan.

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    As A Metaphor And Name

    The term “good Samaritan” is used as a common metaphor: “The word now applies to any charitable person, especially one who, like the man in the parable, rescues or helps out a needy stranger.”

    The name has consequently been used for a number of charitable organizations, including Samaritans, Samaritan’s Purse, Sisters of the Good Samaritan, and The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong. The name Good Samaritan Hospital is used for a number of hospitals around the world. Good Samaritan laws encourage those who choose to serve and tend to others who are injured or ill.

    Other Translations For Luke : 29

    Who Is My Neighbor

    But he willing to iustifie himselfe, said vnto Iesus, And who is my neighbour?– King James Version View 1611 Bible ScanBut wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”– New American Standard Version But he, desiring to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbor?– American Standard Version But he, desiring to put himself in the right, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbour?– Basic English BibleBut he, desirous of justifying himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbour?– Darby BibleBut he, willing to justify himself, said to Jesus, And who is my neighbor? – Webster’s BibleBut he, desiring to justify himself, said, “But what is meant by my `fellow man’?”– Weymouth BibleBut he, desiring to justify himself, asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?”– World English BibleBut he willynge to iustifie hym silf, seide to Jhesu, And who is my neiybore?– Wycliffe BibleAnd he, willing to declare himself righteous, said unto Jesus, `And who is my neighbour?’– Youngs Literal Bible

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    Working For Others As Much As For Ourselves

    The crux of the command lies in the words as yourself. At least to some degree, most of us work to provide for ourselves. There is a strong element of self-interest in working. We know that if we dont work, we wont eat. Scripture commends this motivation , yet the as yourself aspect of Leviticus 19:18 suggests that we should be equally motivated to serve others through our work. This is a very high callto work as much to serve others as to meet our own needs. If we had to work twice as long to accomplish itsay one shift a day for ourselves and another shift for our neighborit would be nearly impossible.

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    Thinking more broadly, if we have a wide range of choices in our work, how much of a role does serving others make in our job decisions, compared to making the most for ourselves? Almost every kind of work can serve others and please God. But that does not mean that every job or work opportunity is of equal service to others. We love ourselves when we make work choices that bring us high pay, prestige, security, comfort, and easy work. We love others when we choose work that provides needed goods and services, opportunities for marginalized people, protection for Gods creation, justice and democracy, truth, peace, and beauty. Leviticus 19:18 suggests that the latter should be as important to us as the former.

    Foundations You Need To Be A Good Neighbor

    Practically speaking, there are certain ways we can be good neighbors. The first is to spend time in the Word of God each day. To truly have eyes that see the needs of those around us, we must first be filled by time spent solely with the Lord. We are not helpful to anyone if we are not pouring out of a soul filled by the Holy Spirit.

    The second way is to pray intentionally that we would see the needs of those around us. This prayer pleases the Lord because it shows a heart that is operating from the love He has given us. Filling the needs of others can be done by making checkbox lists, but loving our neighbor requires a heart that is seeking to bestow Gods love and not to earn it. God will honor this prayer when we pray with a pure heart to open our eyes and minds to those around us that need help.

    Thirdly, to be a good neighbor with those around you. It is most beneficial to share with people who will keep you accountable and pray alongside you. Now simply look around and see the opportunities the Lord places before you to love others well. He will be faithful to let us love one another because He has commanded us to do so.

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    Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me

    As you discuss the Saviors teaching that we should become as little children, you may also want to discuss the account of his blessing the children in .

    • How did Jesus disciples respond when the little children were brought to him? What did Jesus tell his disciples? What did Jesus do for the children? What can we learn about Jesus from this account? How can we better follow the example he set in this account?

    Jesus Said You Have Answered Rightly Do This And You Will Live Still Wanting To Justify His Attitude The Lawyer Asks Who Is My Neighbour

    Who is my Neighbor? Bible Songs | Faithlife TV Kids

    So Jesus tells the story of the good Samaritan which we all know and love. The lawyer was told to go and do likewise verse 37, we dont know whether the lawyer did follow his heart or not but I hope so. Jesus was emphasising being KIND was being a good neighbour, we must also remember it was a Jews duty to look after those who were hungry homeless sick or a stranger, what do you think the lawyer did?

    So in conclusion we are taught from the word of God that people all around us are our neighbours and the answer to the question who is my neighbour is to treat ALL people KINDLY as we would like to be treated read Mark 12:31 so we can see if our heart is right we will treat those all around us with KINDNESS,even strangers and the hungry Matthew 25:35 and finally can we just take one verse of scripture keep it in our hearts to remind us of who our neighbour is. Hebrews 13:1-2.

    Thank you for listening and God Bless you all.

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    Jesus Teaches That We Must Become As Little Children

    Read and discuss Matthew 18:16, 1011, 14.

    • Why do you think the disciples were concerned about who would be the greatest in the Lords kingdom? . How might we sometimes make similar errors? How can we set aside such concerns?

    • Display the picture of Christ and the children. What is Jesus counsel to those who desire to achieve true greatness in his kingdom? Why is it sometimes difficult to follow this counsel? How does this counsel compare with what the world teaches about how to achieve greatness?

    • What does it mean to become as little children? What have you learned from children? How can we become more childlike and more submissive to the will of our Father in Heaven?

    • What does it mean to offend one of these little ones? What are some of the ways people cause children to stumble? How does the Lord regard these offenses?

      Elder M. Russell Ballard stated: We hear disturbing reports of parents or guardians who are so far removed from the Spirit of Christ that they abuse children. Whether this abuse is physical, verbal, or the less evident but equally severe emotional abuse, it is an abomination and a serious offense to God .

    • How can being childlike ourselves help us care for children? What can we do to carry out Gods will that one of these little ones should perish? .

    The Sanctity Of The Marriage Relationship

    Explain that Matthew 19:112 describes a situation in which the Pharisees tried to trap Jesus by asking him about the lawfulness of divorce . Divorce was a much-discussed issue among Jewish scholars and leaders, and the Pharisees hoped that Jesus answer to their question would allow them to stir up anger among the Jews. Have a class member read Matthew 19:39 aloud.

    • What was Jesus response to the Pharisees question in verse 3? Why did Moses allow divorce among the Israelites?

    Explain that in ancient Israel, a man could put away, or divorce, his wife for insignificant reasons. Jesus taught that in a perfect world, such as the celestial kingdom, divorce does not exist. Because the earth is not yet perfect, divorce is allowed but should not happen except for the most serious reasons. Matthew 19:9 indicates that a man who put away his wife for a frivolous reason was still married to her in the eyes of God, and he thus committed adultery if he married another woman.

    • What roles do humility, forgiveness, and charity play in a successful marriage? How can striving to be Christlike help us in marriage and other relationships?

    • How can we help persons who have suffered the trauma of divorce?

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    Benny Cardullo: Just What Did Jesus Mean By Your Neighbor’

    Black Lives Matter protest organizer John Sullivan, hugs one of the armed Keepers of Liberty, after inviting him to come up and say a few words during a demonstration on Center Street in Provo, Wednesday July 1, 2020.

    Who do you envision when you hear the word, neighbor?

    Growing up in Provo, Utah, my neighbors looked like one another, they spoke like one another, they worshiped like one another, and they came from similar economic and social backgrounds as one another. They were like one another, and in reality, a lot like me.

    Thus, when the Bible taught, Love thy neighbor as thyself, I thought I knew who Christ was referring to, I didnt even question it. I assumed to understand my neighbors because, after all, they were just like me. There was someone however who did question what Christ meant by neighbor, a lawyer, who asked him directly, And who is my neighbor?

    In response, Christ delivered the Parable of The Good Samaritan.

    In the Parable of The Good Samaritan, Jesus Christ taught that loving your neighbor means more than loving those in your homogenous and socially segregated neighborhood. Loving your neighbor means more than being kind to those you meet at the grocery store or the neighborhood park. Loving your neighbor means more than being respectful, generous, and tolerant.

    Our neighbors are teaching us how to love them, and it is time to listen and respond:

    Benny Cardullo

    In The New Testament Era

    Who is My Neighbor (Part Two of Two)

    A narrower interpretation of “neighbor” arose, one the Qumran community and the Pharisees espoused. People living at Qumran defined “neighbor” as someone who was part of their separatist community. Everyone outside that community dwelled in darkness and was to be shunned in order to avoid spiritual contamination.5 Although the people at Qumran were to hate the “children of darkness,” or the “men of the pit,” they did not tolerate taking personal vengeance.6

    Likewise the Pharisees separated themselves from contamination, which they believed non-observant Jews transmitted. When the temple police returned from monitoring Jesus at the temple and praised his teaching, the Pharisees rebuked them: “are you fooled too? have any of the rulers or Pharisees believed in him? But this crowd, which doesn’t know the law, is accursed!” . This separation applied to fellow Israelites. How much more would the Jews have shunned the hated Samaritans, a group that had no advocates among the Jewish people.

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    Who Does The Bible Say My Neighbor Is

    Twice the word neighbor appears in the Old Testament when reading the 10 commandments. It says in Exodus 20:16You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor” and in Exodus 20:17You shall not covet your neighbor’s house you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s.” What do these verses imply about who our neighbor is?

    It is a fact that you cannot bear false witness against a name you have never heard or covet a person you do not know about. If we covet our neighbors, this implies we know them and have seen what their lives look like. A “neighbor” in these verses is defined as someone we have seen or known personally. This list could include those living literally next door to us, or those that we have met in passing.

    Proverbs 3:28 tells us “Do not say to your neighbor, Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give itwhen you have it with you.” In this verse, a neighbor is someone who asks for help. We are taught here that a neighbor is to be helped quickly, immediately. It also implies that our neighbor is someone we see regularly. We would not say to someone we ran into once go and come again tomorrow. That phrase only makes sense when used with someone we are able to see the next day. These verses in the Old Testament help us unlock the idea of who our neighbor is and then point us to how we need to respond.

    The Bible Has A Lot Of Tough Commandments That Force Us To Push Ourselves

    However, none is tasking as the command to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

    In fact, Mark 12:29 -31 tells us that this is the second greatest commandment, after the order to love God.

    The most important one, answered Jesus, is this: Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these”, He says.

    ALSO READ: Love Your Neighbour

    Here are five Bible verses that prove how important this commandment is.

    1. 1 John 4:21 “And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.”

    2. Leviticus 19:18 “Forget about the wrong things people do to you. Don’t try to get even. Love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.”

    3. Matthew 25:40 “The king will answer them, ‘I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant they seemed, you did for me.'”

    4. Matthew 7:12 “So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.”

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