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What Books Are In The Jewish Bible

What Is The Jewish Bible

The Hebrew Bible Book Review

Although Jewish readers have the same books in their Bible as we do in our Old Testament, they have a different way of classifying the different sections. Although we divide ours into sections such as the law, historical books, wisdom literature, etc., Jewish readers have three main categories they divide their Bible into: the law, the writings, and the prophets.

The Jewish Bible, otherwise known as the Tanakh makes up what we as Christians know as the Old Testament.

Although Jewish readers have the same books in their Bible as we do in our Old Testament, they have a different way of classifying the different sections. Although we divide ours into sections such as the law, historical books, wisdom literature, etc., Jewish readers have three main categories they divide their Bible into: the law, the writings, and the prophets.

The article will also mention a few other subdivisions, addressed in the Got Questions article above.

Living Torah And Nach

Perhaps the first Orthodox translation into contemporary English was The Living Torah by Aryeh Kaplan which was published in 1981 by Moznaim Publishing. After Kaplan’s death in 1983, The Living Nach was translated in the same style by various authors.The Living Torah is available online.

Kaplan’s translation is influenced by traditional rabbinic interpretation and religious law, an approach followed by many later Orthodox translators. It also reflects Kaplan’s interest in Jewish mysticism.

The Living Torah is also notable for its use of contemporary, colloquial English. For example, it reverses the usual distinction between “God” and “Lord”, noting that in modern English “God” is more appropriate for a proper name. One writer cites these examples, emphasizing Kaplan’s modern translation:

  • Shemot 20:810 Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. You can work during the six weekdays and do all your tasks. But Saturday is the Sabbath to God your Lord.
  • Vayikra 18:7 Do not commit a sexual offense against your father or mother. If a woman is your mother, you must not commit incest with her.
  • Vayikra 19:14 Do not place a stumbling block before the blind.
  • Vayikra 19:29 Do not defile your daughter with premarital sex.

Table I: Chronological Overview

This table summarises the chronology of the main tables and serves as a guide to the historical periods mentioned. Much of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament may have been assembled in the 5th century BCE. The New Testament books were composed largely in the second half of the 1st century CE. The Deuterocanonical books fall largely in between.

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The Gospels Are The Beginning Of The Nt

The word “Gospel” is derived from “good spell” and the Greek “evangelion”, which means “good news”. The 4 Gospels illuminate the life of Jesus from 4 different perspectives. The first 3 gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke are referred to as “synoptic gospels” because they have much in common in a temporal compilation of events than the Gospel of John. Since Jesus is the Word of God who came to earth to save people from eternal death, the Gospels are the most important books in the entire Bible. They belong to the beginning of the NT and are therefore right in the center of the 7-part Bible:

The Correct Order Of The 70 Books Of The Bible

Complete Jewish Bible by David H Stern

Every single scroll and every single book in the Bible has its own place. This order was not invented by humans in advance, but is the result of a development that has lasted for many centuries and for many generations. This order was carefully planned by God and is the result of the Holy Spirit or divine inspiration. Precisely the numerical significance, in which the number7 has the greatest importance, clearly shows the working of God. Although the correct order of all 49 scrolls and 70 individual biblical books has existed for about 2,000 years, it has been known to few Christians over the centuries. But it was revealed again in the present “time of the end”, to which Daniel also points:

“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end many shall run to and fro, and KNOWLEDGE SHALL INCREASE” .

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The Original Ot Was Written On 22 Scrolls

The individual Hebrew books of the OT have been created over a period of more than 1,200 years. At that time there were no books with individual pages, but the writings were written down and transported on very precious and expensive parchments . Since leather is perishable, the texts had to be rewritten again and again. In order not to make a mistake, even all single letters were counted. If the number did not match the original, the copy was destroyed. So today we have exactly the same texts as thousands of years ago. God made sure that His people have a spiritual light in this world, that was the sacred text. These book scrolls were the most important treasure of Israel, as they opened the understanding of God and the spiritual dimension. God has chosen the small and despised people of Israel. That’s why the language of this people was used to make the first part of the Bible.

At the time of the canonization, the 12 Little Prophets were written down to a single scroll. Also the 5 books of the Psalms were summarized on a scroll. The same applies to Ezra-Nehemiah. Therefore, in the Septuagint and the Vulgate, the book Nehemiah is referred to as the “2nd Book of Ezra”. The two Chronicle books were also recorded on only one scroll. So there were exactly 22 scrolls .

The Pauline Epistles Are In Front Of The General Letters

The NT has exactly 21 letters. The number 21 symbolizes completeness in terms of the Epistles and prophetic books of the OT. A few scholars want to list the 7 “General Letters” before the 14 Pauline Letters, as some ancient collections of texts list them directly after Acts. This is also acceptable but it speaks much more for keeping it in the current world-wide accepted order. This has been established very early in history, namely Acts, Pauline Letters, General Letters. The Pauline letters were first written, are more extensive, had a much wider circulation and significance in Christianity. They have been placed in the Vulgate and most Bible translations worldwide for nearly 2,000 years BEFORE the General Letters. Thus, almost all of today’s Bibles have the correct order of books, except that the Hebrews letter is in the 10th position of the 21 letters of the NT. More specific reasons for Pauline Epistel as the first group are:

  • Period: Most of Paul’s letters were first written and had been known to the Christian churches for 20-40 years before the Universal Letters were first created. The General Letters were written when the first Christian churches existed long ago. Therefore, they became “general”, i. they were addressed “to all”, while the Pauline letters had special addressees. The three letters from John are the last four books of the NT besides the Book of Revelation. They form the conclusion and the end of the entire Bible.
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    What Are The 3 Jewish Bibles

    The Hebrew Bible is divided into three sections: the Torah, or Teaching, also known as the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses, the Neviim, or Prophets, and the Ketuvim, or Writings it is commonly referred to as the Tanakh, a word made up of the first letter of each of the three main divisions.

    The 5 Festival Scrolls

    What is a Tanakh? The Jewish Bible Explained

    Since most Christian Bibles follow the order of the Septuagint, the books Rut and Ester are among the history books and they are at the beginning of the OT. This is a mistake, because it obscures the true spiritual meaning of these scriptures. The truth is: They belong to the WRITINGS and here to the group of “5 Festival scrolls” or “The Five Scrolls”. The “5 Festival Scrolls” of the Bible have been seen as one group since earliest times. In the correct order of the Hebrew Bible, the order of the scrolls corresponds to the sequence of major Jewish festivals during the year :

  • The Song of Songs: – Passover, First Fruit Festival at the time of the Spring Harvest . It symbolizes salvation and liberation from bondage and sin. Jesus saved us from the eternal death penalty. Therefore, the “Song of Love” is read at the first annual festival because it symbolizes the harmonious and loving relationship between God and his Bride . Wikipedia: “In modern Judaism the Song is read on the Sabbath during the Passover, which marks the beginning of the grain harvest as well as commemorating the Exodus from Egypt. Jewish tradition reads it as an allegory of the relationship between God and Israel, Christianity as an allegory of Christ and his “bride”, the Church.”
  • Ruth: May/June, after 7×7=49+1 days – Pentecost, Shavuot, Feast of Weeks at the time of the summer harvest : symbol of the Holy Spirit. The love story of Ruth at the time of the wheat harvest is read.
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    The Koren Jerusalem Bible

    The Koren Jerusalem Bible is a Hebrew/English Tanakh by Koren Publishers Jerusalem. The Koren Bible was the first Bible published in modern Israel, distinguished for its accuracy and beauty, and one of the most widely distributed Hebrew editions ever published. The English translation in The Koren Jerusalem Bible, which is Koren’s Hebrew/English edition, is by Professor Harold Fisch, a Biblical and literary scholar, and is based on Friedländer‘s 1881 Jewish Family Bible, but it has been “thoroughly corrected, modernized, and revised”.

    The Koren Jerusalem Bible incorporates some unique features:

    • The paragraphing of the English translation parallels the division of the parashot in the Hebrew version on the facing page. Chapter and verse numbers are noted only in the margin .
    • The names of people and places in the translation are transliterations of the Hebrew names, as opposed to the Hellenized versions used in most translations. For example, the Hebrew name Moshe is used instead of the more familiar Moses.
    • It uses Koren Type, created by typographer Eliyahu Koren specifically for The Koren Bible, and is a most accurate and legible Hebrew type.

    The Koren Jerusalem Bible is sometimes referred to as The Jerusalem Bible, Koren Bible, the Koren Tanakh, or Tanakh Yerushalayim .

    The Original Ot Consists Of 3 Parts

    It makes no sense to invent entirely new divisions of the OT while at the same time destroying the God-inspired age-old order. The 3 parts of the OT were witnessed long before the birth of Jesus. One example is the apocryphal book of Jesus Sirach 175 BC, which reports in the foreword to the law, the prophets, and the “other books”. Although a different division may be theologically based on church affiliation, the scientific facts speak clearly for the age-old order of the Tanakh. In addition, if the arrangement of the 21 prophetic books and the Wisdom Scriptures is changed, then the numerical statement in the arrangement of the entire Bible is automatically lost. The result is that people think that the Bible is a normal book of world literature, because they can no longer recognize God’s clear action in the structure of the Bible because of changes from the theologians. Did the theologians want to achieve that? In the OT,21 books were written by the Prophets of Yahweh, and in the NT 21 books were written by the disciples of Jesus. The 3×7 = 21 symbolizes completeness in relation to the prophets and letters. There is no random arrangement of books in the OT, but each book has its own place and meaning. We should rather orient ourselves on the foundation of the Hebrew Bible, because our Lord Jesus Christ has given us an example. He did not follow the new Greek division of the . But he clearly named the old specific tripartite division of the Hebrew OT:

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    Is The Book Of Wisdom In The Hebrew Bible

    4.5/5Book of WisdomWisdomJewishWisdom

    of Solomon

    Subsequently, question is, is the Book of Wisdom in the King James Bible? These are the books of the King James Version of the Bible along with the names and numbers given them in the Douay Rheims Bible and Latin Vulgate.King James Bible.

    Full title in the Authorised Version The Wisdom of Solomon

    Also question is, which book in the Bible is called wisdom?

    The Wisdom of Solomon

    What are the 7 wisdom books of the Bible?

    There are seven of these books, namely the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, the Song of Songs , the Book of Wisdom and Sirach . Not all the Psalms are usually regarded as belonging to the Wisdom tradition.

    Why Does This Matter

    The Complete Jewish Study Bible by Rubin, Barry

    Why should Christians care about how Jewish readers divide the Old Testament?

    First, it allows us to see where we have common ground. If we read similar books, we can have a discussion with readers about what weve discovered in those books and open a dialogue.

    Second, we can see where we differ.

    Certain Jewish Bibles do not contain sections of books such as Esther and Daniel. We can be aware of those passages when we enter a discussion with someone of the Jewish faith.

    Hope Bolinger is an editor at Salem, a multi-published novelist, and a graduate of Taylor University’s professional writing program. More than 1,100 of her works have been featured in various publications ranging from Writer’s Digest to Keys for Kids. She has worked for various publishing companies, magazines, newspapers, and literary agencies and has edited the work of authors such as Jerry B. Jenkins and Michelle Medlock Adams. Her modern-day Daniel trilogy is out with IlluminateYA. She is also the co-author of the Dear Hero duology, which was published by INtense Publications. And her inspirational adult romance Picture Imperfect releases in November of 2021. Find out more about her at her website.

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    Acts Follows The Gospels

    All 27 NT scrolls have emerged over the course of 3 to 5 decades. They were collected from the beginning by the Christian communities, copied many times and distributed in all regions. Thus, despite the annihilation and burning of many writings by Romans, Greeks and Jews, far more than 5,000 manuscripts have survived in whole or in part. The many old translations in many other languages have not even been considered. This makes the Bible historically unique and gives us absolute security regarding the text content.

    Before the final completion of the NT canon, all the books were grouped into 3 collections of almost the equal size. These 3 collections were the precursors of canonization:

  • Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  • Corpus Paulinum, the “14 Pauline Epistles ” or “14 Specific Letters”, as they have very specific recipients, contrary to the “7 General Epistles” addressed to the whole Church
  • Corpus Apostolicum with the Acts of the Apostles and the “7 General Epistles” or “Universal Epistles” , which were also called “Catholic Letters” . The book of Acts was too large in size and too different in content, so it could not be included in the Gospels or the Pauline Epistles and had to be considered as a separate group. In early Bible manuscripts that did not yet contain the entire NT in a single document, the General Epistles were usually housed in a manuscript together with Acts. Such a manuscript is referred to in Biblical tradition science as “Corpus Apostolicum”.
  • Books Of The Hebrew Bible

    The Hebrew canon contains 24 books, one for each of the scrolls on which these works were written in ancient times. The Hebrew Bible is organized into three main sections: the Torah, or Teaching, also called the Pentateuch or the Five Books of Moses the Neviim, or Prophets and the Ketuvim, or Writings. It is often referred to as the Tanakh, a word combining the first letter from the names of each of the three main divisions. Each of the three main groupings of texts is further subdivided. The Torah contains narratives combined with rules and instructions in Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. The books of the Neviim are categorized among either the Former Prophetswhich contain anecdotes about major Hebrew persons and include Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kingsor the Latter Prophetswhich exhort Israel to return to God and are named for Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and the 12 Minor Prophets . The last of the three divisions, the Ketuvim, contains poetry , theology, and drama in Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Songs , Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles.

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    Your Guide To Reading The Hebrew Bible

    Learn the many chapters that make up the Tanach and find out where you can find more information about each.

    Have you always wanted to read the Bible, but didnt know how to get started?

    In addition to the myriad editions of the Hebrew Bible available in book form, the entire Bible can be read in Hebrew and English on Sefaria, an online resource that enables users to search by keyword and provides links to commentaries and other related materials. Below, we outline the contents of the Bible, with links to our articles about each section.

    Want to get to know some amazing, complicated, and relatable biblical personalities? Sign up for a special email series here.


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